viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

Innisfallen Island 3

Scavenger Hunt 2

Scavenger Hunt

scavenger hunt is a game in which the organizers prepare a list defining specific items, which the participants seek to gather all items on the list  or perform tasks or take photographs of the items, as specified. 

The goal is usually to be the first to complete the list, although in a variation on the game players can also be challenged to complete the tasks on the list in the most creative manner.

Innisfallen scenery

Beautiful and picturesque scenary at Innisfallen Island.

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014

Innisfallen Island 2

The diversity, uniqueness and luxuriance of Innisfallen Island vegetation includes the oakwoods and the Yew Wood. It is also famous for it mosses, liverworts and lichens and the rare Killarney fern is still found at a number of locations. The native Irish red deer roam free.

Innisfallen Island 1

Innisfallen island can be seen in the distance from Ross Castle out beyond the entrance to the bay. A monastery was founded on Innisfallen in the 7th century and it became a seat of learning and it said that King Brian Boru studied there. On the island are the remains of the extensive 12th century Augustinian priory and a small 11th -12th century Romanesque church. The annals of Innisfallen, a major source of early Irish history and now stored in the Bodleian Library in Oxford were written there.

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Thursday morning classes


Flying back on Sunday June 1st

Flight EI564. Arrival time: 21:55.